Darling Sakkti Velan,
Amma is logging down all your developments here since your last entry, since you’re doing so many new things everyday, I’m afraid that I’ll forget all your little milestones before this month is over.
It’s August 2009, and since March this year, Amma has observed a tremendous amount of development in your vocabulary, understanding and play. Perhaps, what amazes me the most is your imagination….
You’re now 11kg and 87 cm. Each time we take you to the hospital (you should know that you’re very prone to the viral flu that we make a trip to the hospital once a month at least), you amaze the nurses with your willing cooperation to stand on the weighing scale and allowing your height to be taken. Perhaps you amazed your paediatrician the most, when you patiently asked for a
different colour jelly instead of the one he offered you!
You can now say, very clearly, the numbers 1-20. Appa endlessly tries to teach you your ABCs, but you should know that you’re being very un-cooperative in that area. You are able to recognise all relationships with peoples, even those of our friends whom you call Uncle and Aunty, and I think everyone adores you all the more for it.
You sing very well, darling, and you also sing along to the music on the radio, even though we don’t know what it is you are actually singing then. You sing “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”, and cut your own imaginary birthday cake (after blowing your own imaginary candles) each time you sing Happy Birthday. I know a lot of people won’t believe this, but you
also sing along with Amma when I sing you the Bhajans to put you to sleep.
You now occasionally turn into an imaginary puppy, and you like to crawl while going about the house, barking. Sometimes, you pull off the table cloth from the coffee table, gallantly declare, “Woof Woof Come” and then become this imaginary puppy.
You’re terribly addicted to television, although, in your words, “TV’ actually means cartoon. It safe to say that we are currently having a problem trying to convince you to switch channels, but we do anyway, and when we do, you always complain.
Your favourite toy at the moment is your colouring book, and a set of Animal Dominoes you Periamma Sherlin bought you. And, son, you love playing with dolls. Appa does not encourage it, but I see no harm in playing with the doll. It will only help you prepare for the forthcoming of Thambi.
Of course you know there’s a Thambi in Amma’s belly, but Amma’s not sure how your actual reaction will be like. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see when Thambi actually comes home from the hospital.