Monday, 18 February 2008

A Day in the Life of Sakkti Velan

I start my day at around 7.00 a.m. This is around the time I can hear my Amma saying, “Sakkti Velan, Ayya….Amma sayang…..Elumbongo……Ennum enna thuukkam engalukku…..elumbungo….pasi ara….laam”..and I just stir a little but continue sleeping, hoping my Amma will let me sleep on.

But Amma never lets me. She carries me out and she kisses me, and I’m forced to open my eyes after a short cry of protest.

Amma makes me pray…and then I have to greet my Mina Patti good morning. All this while I’m still in a VERY bad mood, and still half asleep.

Then Amma changes my diapers. By this time I’m wide awake because the wet wipes are so, so, so cold, and then Amma starts making sounds and I smile to oblige her.

After that the battle begins with my breakfast. I do not like breakfast, and we fight through the entire meal- while we both get covered in my cereal.

Then Amma cleans me and changes me, and we comb my hair together. Them Amma puts me down to play. And I play, really hard, banging my head on the floor and trying to grab the nearest toy. My favourite toy is a black car my Ammama bought for me. You know it’s so frustrating when you’re a baby and you’re trying to reach for a toy. But I know how to drag myself and reach for the toy.

Then I know Amma has to go to work. And I continue my morning sleep until later when I’m woken up and am given a bath by my Mina Patti.

I love to bathe, and now I can play in the bath tub….hehehehe….

Then it’s battle time again with my lunch…before I snooze off to my afternoon nap…..ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz……

Then I sometimes go for a car ride with my Rita Attai.

When Amma comes home, she changes me, plays with….Appa too…..then I’m fed my night drink and I go to sleep…..I hardly cry for my feed at night nowadays, but sometimes….I become too hungry and Amma has to feed me about 3 am.

So that’s my life, folks. Interesting, na?

1 comment:

Loshini said...

Hello Gunda! Loshini Chinamma actually sigend up for an account so that she can kacau you. So... you like bathing. Between you and me, that's a bit strange you know =D N banging your head on the ground is also not cool. But it sounds like you and your amma really have fun during breakfast. May i pinjam your garfield suit when i get home? Please? Okay. Loshini Chinamme has 300 questions more to read so till then be good and have fun.

ONE kiss and lots of hugs,