Wednesday 15 August 2007

On the 30th & 31st day of my life....

On the 30th day of my life, my family members got together to offer their gratitude over my safe birth and my good health. Appa and Amma prayed to the Goddess Pechayee, and offered me up to her for further blessings.

And here is the first picture of me--- with my Ammama.

After the prayers, I was officially put into my cot. My first cot was small and blue, and I would be sleeping in it until I become too big for it. At 4 months, I started sleeping in Valaermadi's cot, which Rita Attai generously handed down for her Cellam to sleep in.


On the 31st day of my life, my baby hair was shaved as per Ceylonese custom. I was fast asleep at first on the shoulders of my Rasa Appapa.....but as the head became more and more exposed to the cold, I began crying.

When the Barber Uncle had finished shaving my head completely, Appa put sandalwood paste on my head to cool it down. Amma said this was also customary.

And this is a picture of me, with my Appa.

APPA, I love you! We'll always be cums now....

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